Electronic Portfolios

Using Technology | Electronic Portfolios in the K-12 Classroom The use of personal portfolios for assessment and presentation long has been a component of higher education. In fact, personal portfolios are a graduation requirement at many colleges and universities. Now, electronic portfolios have begun to enter the world of K-12 education as well. -

Guidelines for Developing a Digital Portfolio
      • Be realistic about your design and expectations.
      • Make use of relevant models.
      • Instill a sense of ownership in creating the portfolio
      • Communicate implementation strategies and timelines clearly.
      • Be selective in design and strategy.
      • Allow for continuous improvement and growth.
      • Incorporate assessment stakeholders in all phases and components of your efforts; that is, make sure portfolio content meets the needs of those assessing the work. - See more at: http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech/tech111.shtml#sthash.vqu5dWlg.dpu


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